Thursday, February 11, 2010

Every Mans Fantasy

Imagine yourself as an oddly shaped man, naked and alone with a famous, female porn star on the planet Tralfamadore. This may be difficult if you have never heard of Tralfamadore, however readers of Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut are all to familiar with this scenario. Billy Pilgrim is the books main character who is living in a dull, safe marriage to Valencia Merble, she "was as big as a house because she couldn't stop eating"(36). Throughout his life he is haunted by effects of WW2 and becomes a time traveler to help cope with the desperate times in his life. Billy's time travels lead him to the planet Tralfamadore. "He was displayed naked in a zoo" and mated with a "former Earthling" porn star "named Montana Wildhack" (32). Montana Wildhack is first introduced to readers at the end of chapter 5. Billy is under his electric blanket warm snugly and alone, he becomes unstuck in time and travels to the first time he met beautifully shaped porn star, Montana. "Montana was naked and so was Billy", the aliens broke record attendance at the zoo and "everybody on the planet wanted to see the Earthlings mate"(168). Billy was naked and oddly shaped, Kurt Vonnegut describes him as "funny looking...tall and weak, and shaped like a Coca-Cola" bottle (30) while Montana Wildhack is assumed as flawless and perfectly shaped as a porn star. On page 228 Montana asks Billy to tell her a story, Billy immediately talks about his WW2 experiences. Billy retells the incidents at Dresden with some detail and yet Vonnegut escapes Billy back to the war with no reaction from Montana. This leads the reader to assume that Billy and Montana have an understanding of each other. Montana knows that Billy will become "unstuck" in time and will resume time travel. On page 264, Montana asks Billy "Time-traveling again?...I can always tell", this leads readers to believe that the relationship between the two zoo specimens is a real, honest understanding of one another. In real life Billy does not disclose Dresden to fat Valencia and every time he lays in bed the time-traveling Billy becomes a mate to a porn star who understands him (Duh, every mans fantasy). Montana's character was designed to be a flat character who aids the main character (Billy) through the plot. Montana has no real opinion on anything thus serves as a sex toy to a frustrated war veteran with mental illness. Kurt Vonnegut creates Montana as a nice distraction for Billy as he copes with post-war trauma.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so the real title was Alien Voyeurism :) I enjoyed typing this blog...who knew a porn star, odd-shaped Billy, aliens and voyeurism would be so much fun!! :)
