Friday, February 12, 2010

Steven Voigt - Q1

Howard Campbell was an interesting made-up character that represents all that is bad in war. He's an American who became a Nazi. Campbell is now trying to recruit men from the slaughterhouse to be a part of "The Free American Corps," which is supposed to fight only on the Russian front. One thing that stands out about Campbell is his extravagant uniform, "He was sheathed in a blue body stocking which had yellow stripes running from his armpits to his ankles." Vonnegut dressed Campbell in crazy clothes because the entire idea of this character is rediculous itself. His ideas about fighting the Russians make no sense because the Americans and Russians are allies. After Campbell gave his speech about fighting the Russians and joining "The Free American Corps," he did not get much response from the tired and sick croud. After a long pause, one man stood up to respond to Campbell's crazy ideas. Old man Derby explains to Campbell that every soldier there was willing to fight and die for the ideals of the American form of government. Derby spoke for everyone about the American and Russian brotherhood, and how they would overcome Nazism. I feel like Vonnegut introduced this Howard Campbell character in order to give the Americans some boost in morale. Old Derby's speach reiterates to the American soldiers that they are still fighting together to overcome the Nazis.

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