Friday, March 19, 2010

Hunter Warren

Jack: You don't think there is any chance Gwendolen becoming like her mother in about a hundred and fifty years, do you Algy?

Algernon: All women become like their mothers. That is their trajedy. No man does. Thats his.

Jack: Is that clever?

Algernon: It is perfectly phrased! and quite as true as any observation in civilized life should be.

In this scene it is forshadowed that Gwendolen will in fact turn out like her mother. She is already overbearing like her mother as it is now, and with time she will turn out to be a product of Lady Bracknell. I feel as though this can be taken either way depending on whether the mother of the "bride" is good or bad. In this case, Jack got screwed! Jack is completely sabatoged by Lady Bracknell because he has no ancestry. He was found in a bag, and all of his family is deceased. Is that his fault? No this is not his fault at all, but he is stabbed with questioning because of the cirucumstances. Because of this the mother finds it hard to accept the fact that he could be Gwendolens future husband. In those times money was everything, but not since Jack is alone with nothing but a brother. He is set at another disadvantage because there is nothing to build off of or inherit. I feel that in todays society people focus too much on the family of the spouse rather than solely on the spouse. Because of this, relationships are put off, or never reach their full capacity. In this case, the relationship that Jack wanted more than anything was immediately questioned. It is obvious that Jack loves Gwendolen, but he is obviously not secure in his beliefs about the family that may fall into. I think that because Gwendolen may turn out to be just like her mother Jack is set back once again. He will have to deal with her being overbearing in his future life. In this play Jack is put at a level way below everyone else just because he has no ancestors and is "alone". This is very immoral becuase someone was put down for something they have no control over.

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