Friday, January 29, 2010

Duck song :)

The song “Sex with Ducks” by Garfunkle and Oates is a song which says protecting the rights of two people having a gay marriage legal is basically the same concept as protecting the rights of a person who wants to have sex with a duck. This song says it is just ridiculous. It can be considered art because this piece rhymes and uses the perfect words to convey the message that protecting the rights of two people having sexual relations is utterly absurd. In the song, they mention that Pat Robertson said “it’s a long downward slide that will lead to legalizing sex with ducks if 2 men can stand side by side.” This quote says that if 2 men or 2 women eventually are able to legally marry, they will legalize anything and anything will happen; even having sex with ducks will be legal. The words used can be crude but are said to make a point. Although some find it offensive, it is just another person making their point. They are trying to say their point not just through words in a sentence but turn it into a song. When people say their thoughts, less people become offensive than when they are said rather than sang. As the song goes on, they become creative with different ways the duck would have sex or innuendos. I guess the “Sex with Ducks” song is less offensive because this is funny and it is beautiful because of the music with the song. It is also less offensive because it does not necessarily use offensive language as it does use sentences that a person would look twice at and think or ask themselves, “What was the person thinking when they wrote this song?” As some people would be offended if a story was read with this same story, people are not as offended listening to the song.

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