Thursday, January 28, 2010

Taboo words and topics

Wezly Barnard

Taboo words and topics can be used in various ways to achieve different goals. In more cases than others, use of taboo words will offend people. A word can be said directly to a person and have the intent of meaning bad towards them, or offend them. In this case there might be a situation or argument between two or more people which would encourage either of them to use verbally harmful words. Another form of using taboo words or topics could be when a group of people or friends are comfortable around each other. Friends might use” slang” or “swear” a few times in order to feel “cool” or fit in with the group. However, offensive words can be overused in conversations and will become extremely boring for others. People lose interest in a topic if taboo words are used out of context. The topic may even sometimes not make sense.
Although taboo words and topics are frowned upon, they can be used in different forms to create humor and art. In the Trickster narrative the topic emphasized on is defecating. Even though the word “defecate” is not a very harsh taboo word, it still creates an image of Trickster eventually defecating and ending up being covered by it. “Then he could not help himself, but had to defecate.” Trickster was arrogant from the start and believed he could overcome the situation. Unfortunately he could not and defecated so much that he covered himself in it. This brings about a comical situation, but more so teaches a lesson through the story. Trickster was ignorant to the bulb making him defecate and later finding himself using nature to come to his aid. “Tree what kind are you, tell me about yourself, can you tell me where the nearest water is?”
A.R. Ammons’ poem however uses a more direct word that is repeated throughout the poem. The topic is the same but the word used is a lot stronger. It might be thought that the word being repeated makes the poem slightly boring, but Ammons uses a descriptive technique to create a comical poem that a person could find them laughing at; “blazing blast off, for the nice, total protein, and from the animal of alluvial dreams.”
In both pieces techniques have been used to achieve different goals. In one a lesson is achieve and the other a comical atmosphere. It is evident that taboo words and topics can be used to create something beautiful and/or powerful.

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