Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sex With Ducks....Art? I THINK NOT!!!!!!

The use of fowl or curse words, otherwise known as “billingsgate” language, has constantly come across and received as “taboo” in our society today. However, with the ever-changing form of society in which we live, these taboo and forbidden words have, as it seems, emerged themselves in our everyday language. Words once spoken sparsely, have now taken new meanings, although some have stayed the same. Many times one uses these words in order to seem “cool” or “intelligent”. However, many of these words and phrases applied at the wrong time take away from valid and otherwise substantial conversations. Often times, we find that the use of such language now comes with no surprise, therefore not leaving any sort of enamored effect on those who do not speak and use such language. The “I can’t believe he just said that” factor no longer resides in our minds. Now, many people find the use of “billingsgate” language leads them to boredom. Without the enamoring effect, “taboo-ed” terms seem to go un-noticed.
Now that society has chosen to accept the once “forbidden” words, we find more ways of inserting them in un-needed places such as music… and try to call it art. In the song, “Sex With Ducks”, artists and song writers try to prove a point that gay marriage should not be allowed. Permitting gay marriage and relationships would coincide or therefore “lie” (no pun intended) as equal to having sex with a duck. I do agree that both of these acts incorporate morally wrong actions, but I do not agree with the overuse of the word “sex” in the song. I do not agree with the making of this song in that the song writers seem to flaunt their use of the word “sex,” strictly due to the fact that it too, was once a “taboo” word. I do not believe that any song with the use of foul language should be considered art. After all, the use of curse words to explain or present your feelings on certain matters still resides just as immoral as the situations you may feel harsh against. The use of “billingsgate” language is in no way shape or form beautiful, it only demeans the person that uses it.

"Cursing is the use of big words by little people"- unknown

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