Friday, January 29, 2010


Although I would love to watch a video titled "Whacking Off", I unfortunately will be going to bed knowing that I missed out on the experience. Setting that aside, the Native American story "Nanabush Eats a Bulb" contains tons of great information that could possibly teach your children notable lessons for the future! Although some may find the story inappropriate, "Nanabush Eats a Bulb" is highly appropriate and effective in the teaching lesssons to people of all ages and walks of life. It doesnt matter if you are ten years old living in a trailer or fifty years old living in the Playboy Mansion, a lesson can still be learned from reading this innapropriate oral tradition!
If you have an issue with arrogance this story may be for you! At first the Trickster believes he is the "chosen one" and thinks highly of his invisibility to the outside world. This belief burns to the ground when he realizes he actually made a wrong decision when not abiding by the bulbs "words of wisdom". After shitting double his body weight he begins to realize that he is not as powerful as he thinks he is, which makes him a perfect example for teaching a great life lesson. "Take other wisdom into consideration before you burn to the ground by sticking with your wisdom". Near the end of the story the Trickster realizes that he needs others in order to help himself. In today's world this shows up alot. People turn down other's informative ideas, and run back for help when they realize they were in the wrong and the wisdom giver was in the right. This story does an excellent job in showing that arrogance will get you into shitty situations when you take others word for granted. People don't waste their time sharing their wisdom with others for the hell of it. Wisdom is shared for the purpose of helping others, and when you turn it down and run back to them in the end, you are the one that is looked down upon. "Nanabush Eats a Bulb" is a great example of showing that arrogance will nearly make you suffocate in your own shit. Take wisdom from the wise because you never know when more might be coming your way!

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