Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wezly Barnard
Title: Waves of laughter

“An attraction to laughter is its remarkable contagiousness, laughing and letting waves of laughter wash over you.” An experience of being around people or seeing them laughing often creates an interest of others around them. Society is extremely inquisitive when noticing others enjoying themselves and are always curious to find out the reason as to why they are not having the same enjoyment in their life. It’s as if people feel like they are missing out on something, or they feel like their life is lacking happiness in some parts, and always want to be part of a good situation.
“A pleasant experience-one of life’s best.” Robert Provine clearly understands how good it feels to laugh. Laughing is an experience that comes either from a joyful conversation, a funny joke being told, or watching something happen to an individual that is out of the norm. In these events, an individual is almost always brought to laughter and if there are others present they will find themselves joining in on the laughter. The laughter then becomes contagious as people that did not find the event funny or might not even have been present at the time of the event or joke will catch on and begin to laugh.
Being present in a group of people that are laughing creates an aura around them and those who are part of the group usually feel the aura and begin to feel the happiness inside them. The whole group eventually reaches the same point of happiness and their laughing becomes synchronized as they are all on the same level. The loudness of the laughter will reach the same pitch and the length of laughing sprees become identical. The experience becomes joyous for everyone.
It is enjoyable to be part of good moments with others, even if a person in the group is not on the level of happiness, laughing together is always pleasing.

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