Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Genevieve Rodriguez THE OFFICE! :) WIN!

The piece I chose is from the NBC show, THE OFFICE. This episode was played after the super bowl in 2009. It is probably my favorite episode from the show. It begins with the Dwight acting sketchily toward the camera and then showing lighter fluid and several other things such as an air horn. He leaves the office and everyone is acting normal but he locks them in, hammers the key, and puts flame to the doorknob. He says that no one paid attention to his fire safety talk because he used PowerPoint and that is boring, and we can all agree that most PowerPoint presentations are very boring. He gives valid points that experience is the best teacher, but the specific experience that he is trying to make for his coworkers is a very unrealistic one, which makes this even more ridiculous and funny. One of my favorite quotes from this 5 minute scene is when he lights the cigarette and says, “Today, smoking is going to save lives.” He lights the trash can on fire and shuts the door. No one notices so he takes matters into his own hands and makes a scene. LOL! Everyone starts freaking out, which is the normal thing for people to do in this situation, but he begins is just yelling precautions at them. This is so funny because no one is listening to them. They just keep running in and out of rooms feeling doorknobs and don’t think to pull the fire alarm or get the fire extinguishers, which the camera zooms in on. Michael, the manager is freaking out and telling everyone to stay calm and it is so funny because he is telling everyone to stay calm yet he is freaking out. LOL! They start pushing and shoving each other and Angela takes a cat out of a filing cabinet, which is hilarious because no one notices that there is a cat. She then throws her cat up the roof and then he falls, which is hilarious. Kevin, being the stereotypical overweight man, goes to the vending machine and starts hoarding the snacks. Another one of my favorite quotes from this scene is when Dwight throws the popper on the ground and Andy says that the fire is shooting at them! Oscar is in the roof and falls out, and Michael throws an overhead projector out the window. Stanley has a heart attack and Michael thinks that saying that Barack Obama is president will help him resuscitate, which is hilarious because it was only three months after the election and things were still touchy with the subject. I really love this show and the humor is very dry but a lot of people can enjoy it. I agree that PowerPoint presentations are very boring and now they will know how to react. J

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