Thursday, April 15, 2010

Genevieve Rodriguez

Gabriel Iglesias’ “Drive Thru Voice” skit is really funny because he uses his voice to manipulate the story he is telling. This short is about drive through windows and how he uses different voices to confuse the cashier. First of all, going through a drive through is a common experience so anyone who has been through a drive through can relate to someone getting their order wrong and he is confusing the cashier the second time he goes through because he/she got his order wrong the first time. This is a technique that many stand-up comedians have and they are usually successful using this tactic. He uses the microphone to muffle his voice making it sound like the cashier talking through the speaker. He also changes the pitch of his voice to bring out the point of his story, which is to confuse the cashier. The different voices engage the audience because it is more interesting than just listening to someone talk and impersonate without changing their voice pitch and style. The audience is also engaged by his story because it is very relatable. This is unique because a lot of people can enjoy this kind of comedy and it is not really offensive to anyone unlike comedians who curse a lot and say dirty jokes. Those might be funny but clean jokes can be funny for everyone! I also like his facial expressions. It would not be so funny if when he “pulls up” to the drive through window he does not make that really serious face followed by the really girly voice. His laughter is also very comical whenever he is “talking” to the cashier. I think the irony is what is really funny because of his androgyny in this skit.

This is an awesome short that you should watch.... and you should go to and check it out. cuz its AWESOME

But click on random. this week they are making depressing ones idk why. excuse the horrible grammar.

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