Monday, April 26, 2010

Michael and Drew- "Sin City"

Drew and I have chosen the new comedy of this year, The Hangover. In The Hangover a group of guys spend a night in Last Vegas celebrating their friends last night of being a bachelor. What they don’t know is that it will end up being one of their craziest nights that they will experience. They start off the night by taking shots but what they don’t realize is that Alan spikes their drinks with Roofies “aka Floories.” The next morning they wake up and don’t remember a thing from the night before. Their room has been trashed but have no reason why and want to leave before the maids come and make them pay for the damage. They start to pack and remember what happened when they realize their missing Doug, they guy is getting married the next day. They start to piece things together but still don’t know what happened to Doug. They keep wondering why they don’t remember anything from the night before then Alan confesses that he had spiked their drinks at the beginning of the night. Once they piece the night together they remember they put Doug up on the roof where they began the night. They have to hurry back so Doug can make it on time to the wedding. They found a camera in the car after the wedding and decided they will look at it once and never speak of it again. I guess the saying is true “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” We find this funny because we feel like with the guys we hang out with we can relate to what happens in the movie. I could see us doing some of the things they do in the movie like leaving a car in the middle of the freeway because we ran out of gas. We always talk about what would happen if we would take a trip to Las Vegas and ask “would we make it alive?” We think that we would make it out alive but there will definitely be a good story behind the night in “Sin City.”

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