Thursday, April 1, 2010

Without a concience

Wezly Barnard

A conscience does help people to behave. Without a conscience people would do things that are seen as bad or wrong and not have to worry about the consequences. It’s the feeling of guilt that helps people realize right from wrong. If people never felt guilty about anything, then the world would be in more chaos that it is now. Mark Twain turns this message into a joke by portraying the image of his conscience. “Straight away the door opened, and a shriveled, shabby dwarf entered.” Twain continues to create a perfect picture of his conscience and describes the actions that take place when his conscience is in the house. “He was not more than two feet high.” “Every feature and inch of him was a trifle out of shape.” Tension builds up between Twain and his conscience. He starts to feel extremely frustrated with the actions of his conscience. “He stepped along with a chipper air, and flung himself into a dolls chair in a very free and easy way, without waiting to be asked. This is ironic as he realizes that this is similar to the way he acts around people, “it seemed to me that this whole performance was very like an exaggeration of conduct that I myself had sometimes been guilty in my intercourse with familiar friends.” Mark Twain continues to struggle with his conscience and wants with all his might to get rid it. The more he tries to kill his conscience the more his conscience reminds him of the things he has done wrong and should feel guilty about. “You turned the tramp away from your door this morning.” Twains conscience helps him realize how he lied to the tramp and he feels guilty about it. Twain does not like the feeling of guilt and how right his conscience is in all aspects of his life. The story continues back and forth between the two characters and the battle finally ends when Mark Twain gets hold of his conscience and get rid of him. Twain then continues to do things that are wrong and even kills people. This illustrates how important our conscience is in life and the bad things people would end up doing without feeling guilty.

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