Thursday, April 15, 2010

He Doesn’t Know He’s Just Sayin’

Laughing is an essential facet of everyday life. Stand-up comedians play a big role in giving us many reasons to laugh. In one of Katt Williams’s acts, called “Weed”, he portrays many unique characteristics that make him stand out among other comedians. For one, he is dressed in a suede green jacket, and that has everyone’s attention at the very beginning. The language he uses throughout the whole act is very attention getting because he is not afraid to say a few curse words. I know cursing for comedians is becoming more popular, but I think Katt Williams puts his own pizzazz in it. He begins the act by saying how weed can get your mind of the struggles of everyday life, and how he doesn’t understand that if you are smoking weed then you aren’t doing anything with your life. He makes weed seem like it is the solution to all our problems, when it is a horrible thing you can get addicted to. Next in his act, he talks about how weed isn’t a drug; it is just a plant that grows in the ground. He uses logical humor to his advantage because we all really know that weed is a drug. However, he puts it in terms that we have never thought about. I think this is why he is so hilarious! Then he continues to say that it has some affects when you light it on fire, but then he compares weed to actual drugs. He says you don’t have to mix all baking soda, water, or anything else to weed but you do to other drugs. Then he says that he doesn’t know the recipe; he is just saying. When really he does know the recipe or else he wouldn’t have said that. I think another reason he is so funny is because he says things from actual experience because he knows so much about it. He relates smoking weed very well to the audience. He mentions worrying about the light bill. He says if you just hit the blunt one time, it will take away all the worries because you have 12 candles you have been waiting to burn. Another unique characteristic about him is he uses his hands very well to demonstrate what exactly he is saying. There are many distinctive traits that separate his comic style from others. I think because he is willing to branch out and say some pretty fanatical things that he is very successful in making people laugh. When he makes people laugh, the people don’t really realize at what they are laughing at could be very harmful to someone. He, in a way, puts a distraction on people because many people don’t realize what they are really laughing at. His technique might not be as ethical or moral as Bill Cosby, but that doesn’t take away the fact that it is hysterical.

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