Sunday, April 25, 2010

"Nothing happens when you die"

To begin, everyone has experienced that awkward moment of fright when the person around you sneezes exceptionally loud. In that moment, one becomes very embarrassed from jumping out of fear and for the person who was experiencing the sneeze. Dane Cook uses a memory and visual technique to describe the debris that is flying out of this person’s nose. He uses a Windex sprayer to describe how the sneeze appeared to him. This relates and refreshes the memory of someone sneezing on or near you; the feeling of wetness from the sneeze feels as if someone has drenched you with a Windex bottle. Whenever someone sneezes, naturally we reply God bless you. However, in some cases, like this one, the person who sneezed appears offended by the statement. Nevertheless, we have our freedom of speech and we say this out of kindness and not out of trying to offend someone. Personally, I have never encountered someone who smarted of and became offended by it; I usually get a polite thank you in return. For Christians, or anyone in that matter, whenever someone sneezes, the polite thing to do is say God bless you. People who do not believe in God have the same rights as people who do believe in God, however, I do not agree with them boldly flaunting as if they are proud of it and do it out of hatefulness and wanting to enrage others. I know there are numerous religions, and almost all of them have some form of God, but those that do not, make it hard for me to relate with them. If you are not living for God, then whom are you living for? Yourself perhaps, but what is the point in that? What happens to you after this life? Does your soul just disappear, or do you even have a soul at all? People who do not believe in some form of God, I lose a lot of respect for, because that is disrespectful to God. It is hard for me to see eye to eye with someone who believes there is no God, the debates and disagreements are endless, there is never a middle point. It is hard to endure someone laughing at our beliefs when their own beliefs are ridiculous and incomprehensible. Dane’s way to end the religious dispute is classic, after the man becomes a tree, he tells the man that he hopes he is copped down and turned into paper that the Bible becomes printed on.

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